Posts in Halloween
What To Know About Feeding Your Dog Pumpkin

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, meaning that it’s time to prepare for what is arguably the most delicious day of the year. Now, if you are anything like me, you may have the habit of sharing your food with your dog. As a responsible pup parent, however, I always make sure that whatever I’m giving my pup is safe for her to eat.

Now, this can be a little tricky with food that is traditionally served at Thanksgiving. For instance, stuffing and turkey are too high in sodium for your pup to safely enjoy. Thankfully, there is an ingredient in many Thanksgiving recipes that is a-okay for your pup to consume.

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These Pixar-Loving Dogs Won Halloween

The first Pixar movie, “Toy Story,” premiered in 1995. Over the past 26 years, the animation company had delighted audiences with over 20 films, including “Monsters, Inc.,” “The Incredibles,” “Ratatouille,” “Up,” and most recently “Luca.” While the movies are geared towards children, I am well into my 20s and I adore Pixar movies. And obviously, as a massive dog lover by favorite Pixar character is Dug from the most poignant movie ever, “Up.” (Seriously, if you don’t tear up while watching that film, I don’t trust you).

In my opinion, dogs are a lot like Pixar movies. They’re sweet, wholesome, and just make you feel really good. For this reason, I think it’s only appropriate to dress your dog up as a Pixar character at some point in their life. Here are some furry friends who have already done so to serve as inspiration.

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The Perfect Last-Minute Halloween Costume For Your Dog

The “James Bond” film franchise, based on the novels by Ian Fleming, has spanned over 60 years. Since 1962, several actors have portrayed 007, including Sean Connery, Roger Moore, and Pierce Brosnan. Most recently, Daniel Craig has stepped into the shoes of the famed British Secret Service agent.

A little-known fact about dogs is that they love James Bond. In particular, they have an appreciation for his dapper ensembles. Fortunately, it’s easy to recreate Bond’s iconic look for your furry friend, which it’s a great last-minute Halloween costume. (You really only need a black bow tie). Here are some pups who have already channeled their inner British spy.

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6 Fun Ways To Celebrate Halloween With Your Dog

A little known fact about dogs is that they absolutely love celebrating Halloween. Unfortunately, it’s usually frowned upon to take your furry friend trick-or-treating (even though they, obviously, deserve all of treats). Thankfully, there are still plenty of ways to celebrate Halloween with your furry friend. Here are a few of our suggestions.

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Get Inspired With These Super Cute DC Comics Dog Costumes

With Halloween right around the corner, your pup may be scrambling to find the perfect costume. While there are a ton of pawsome options, one timeless and super cool look is dressing like a superhero. Here are a few adorable canine companions dressed as DC Comics characters to help your furry friend get some Halloween inspo.

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Get Inspired With These Magical 'Harry Potter' Dog Costumes

With Halloween right around the corner, you may be trying to figure out a pawsome costume for your pooch. If you are a Millennial who enjoyed curling up with a book more than hanging out with friends (like myself), you probably have a fondness for the “Harry Potter” franchise. There’s no better way to honor “The Boy Who Lived,” than to have your pup dress as him and his magical friends. Here’s some “Harry Potter”-loving canine companion to help you and your pooch get some inspiration.

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How To Celebrate Pumpkin Spice Season With Your Dog

Even though it’s still technically summer, pumpkin spice season is officially upon us. (I just walked over to Starbucks in 90-degree weather to get myself a Pumpkin Spice Latte -- I am that dedicated to that drink). Unfortunately, our furry friends can never experience the joy that is a PSL as most of the drink’s ingredients are toxic to them. But like any pup parent, I never want my precious pooch to feel left out. So, I’ve compiled a list of the best ways to celebrate pumpkin spice season with your pooch.

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Highlights From Woof Republic's Virtual Howloween Charity Event

On October 28th, Woof Republic hosted a Virtual Howloween charity event in partnership with Best Friends Animal Society to raise money for dogs in need. Guests and sponsors collectively raised nearly $1,000!

The event included trivia, a costume contest, and adoption features. Our social media team kept our Instagram audience engaged with prize giveaways as well.

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The Goldens RULE Halloween

I have an opinion based on two golden retrievers named Jake and Addie that Golden Retrievers might be the MOST successful with Halloween costumes. Why do I come to this conclusion, because @Thegoldensrule absolutely kill it at Halloween and costumes! If you are unfamiliar with Jake and Addie the internet sensation of The Goldens Rule- you are welcome! This pair including one pup who is a special needs pups gives full entertainment and takes dog costumes to the next level.

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