What to Do When Your Dog Is Throwing up Yellow Bile

My least favorite sound in the world is my dog throwing up. Not only is it a little gross, but I, like all pet parents, get so upset when my furry friend is sick. She becomes the saddest little puppy in the world. It’s devastating. 

My dog typically throws up yellow bile, which is an alarming sight. However, according to Spruce Pets, yellow bile is typically not indicative that your furry friend has a serious issue. It usually just means they need to eat. That being said, you should carefully watch your dog to see if they are lethargic, have changes in their appetite, or experience diarrhea. However, if your furry friend seems okay, you can continue feeding them as usual. 

If your dog has difficulty keeping down their food, you should get them to the vet. Before the exam, give relevant information, including the last time your dog ate or if you believe your furry friend may have ingested something toxic. The vet will likely issue a blood test and perform an ultrasound to determine the root of your dog’s issue. 

The Lincolnway Veterinary Clinic reported there are several reasons your furry friend could be throwing up, including gastroenteritis, pancreatitis, and food allergies. 

Typically, a vet will prescribe some anti-nausea medication. If your dog is dehydrated after vomiting, they may be administered either subcutaneous fluids or intravenous fluids.