Why is My Dog Staring at Me?

My furry friend is constantly staring at me. Now, I was under the impression she was just admiring my beauty. Unfortunately, it seems that I’m wrong in my assumption. 

According to the American Kennel Club, there can be several reasons our canine companions are staring us down. For instance, your pup may be attempting to communicate that they need to go potty. Staring can also be a tactic to get a tasty treat, some attention, or a walk. Now, your dog intensely staring at you while eating or playing with their toys could indicate they are being aggressive.

As I previously theorized, dogs could just be affectionately gazing at their best friend. The AKC reported that eye contact with your furry friend “releases oxytocin.” While I’m no scientist, I completely believe this. Nothing brings me more joy than staring deeply into my pup’s beautiful brown eyes.

According to WebMD, you should be monitoring certain kinds of stares. For instance, if your pup is continually looking at you in an unresponsive manner with a glossy gaze, they may be suffering from a health issue. In that case, the best action is to contact your pet’s vet.