What to Do If Your Dog Eats An Onion

I don’t know about your dog, but my furry friend views herself as my sous chef. When I’m in the kitchen, she is always by my side. Now, I believe she is trying to quickly eat whatever I happen to drop on the floor. She says, however, that my cooking needs her expertise. 

If your dog is like my furry friend, there’s a good chance they’ve gobbled something off your kitchen floor before you could stop them. Given that onions are a common ingredient in many recipes, your canine companion may end up consuming the vegetable. 

Now, this is not ideal. According to The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA), onions, like all alliums, such as garlic and leeks, are poisonous to our furry friends. Upon eating onions, your furry friend will likely vomit, have diarrhea, and experience a lack of appetite. Some dogs also suffer from anemia and seizures after eating the vegetable. 

So, what should you do when your dog has consumed an onion? 

The American Kennel Club reported that pup parents should take their dog to the vet immediately. During the examination, the vet will draw your dog’s blood to see if your furry friend is experiencing onion toxicity. 

Once the vet determines that is the case, your furry friend may be given vomit-inducing medication. In addition, dogs with a severe case of onion toxicity will need a blood transfusion.