Can You Give Your Dog Cantaloupe?

Summer is my dog’s absolute favorite season. When the temperatures aren’t too hot, she spends her days basking in the sun and working up quite an appetite.

Thankfully for her, there’s plenty of seasonal fruit for her to enjoy, including cantaloupe.

According to the American Kennel Club, cantaloupe is a perfect treat for furry friends. The low-calorie fruit has plenty of fiber, vitamins, and potassium. PetMD also reported that the fruit is ideal for hot summer days, as it is especially hydrating.

You should cut off the rind before giving your dog cantaloupe. After all, you don’t want your canine companion to accidentally choke or have gastrointestinal issues. In that same regard, please remember to cut up the fruit into small pieces.

While its seeds are not necessarily harmful, it’s best to scoop them out before your dog snacks on the fruit.

In addition, you should always speak to your dog’s vet prior to changing up your furry friend’s diet.