8 Ways To Celebrate National Pet Month

Pet parents rejoice! May is National Pet Month, where we honor our furry friends. I know that my life has improved immensely since getting my pup, and she, like all pets, deserves to be celebrated. If you are a pet owner, you likely feel the same way. However, it can be difficult to plan the perfect way to let your dog know how much you love them. To make your job a little bit easier, here are eight ideas to spend time with your furry friend this month. 

Explore Your Local Trails 

Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash

Going on a hike is a great way to get some fresh air with your pup. I, personally, like hiking because it’s a fun way to get some exercise. Now, my dog likes hikes because her idea of fun is sniffing approximately 50 trees in under 30 minutes.

Spoil Your Furry Friend 

My furry friend is obsessed with toys. She has approximately 40, and she’s grateful for every single one. Obviously, I’ll be buying her something new this month to celebrate. If you are like me and want to spoil your furry friend, you can use the same-day delivery service Shipt until May 15 to get $10 off purchases of $50 or more at pet retailers, including PetSmart and Petco. Shipt members have the entire month of May to use the promo. 

Go Camping With Your Furry Friend 

Camping is the perfect activity during the month of May. When you go camping with a dog, be sure you pack dog food, water, a collapsible bowl, a canine first aid kit, a harness, a leash, and a biodegradable poop bag. 

Have a Fun Day at the Beach

Now that the weather is getting warmer, there’s nothing better than going to the beach with your furry friends. Pack a few towels, lunch for you and your canine companion, and a tennis ball.

Go To The Dog Park

For National Pet Month, consider bringing some extra treats to give to all the pups at the dog park. Just make sure you ask their owners before you give them one.

Head Over To A Dog-Friendly Restaurant

My furry friend and I like to go to a restaurant with a dog-friendly patio. While we eat, we enjoy eavesdropping on other people’s conversations.

Throw A Pet-Friendly Party

Dogs love any excuse to party. Be sure to decorate your home with balloons and streamers to make it festive. 

Adopt A Dog

If you don’t have a dog or are looking to add another furry friend to your family, consider adopting a pup from a local rescue or shelter. You won’t regret it!