Why Do Dogs Have Whiskers?
If you are anything like me, you spend hours looking at your dog’s precious little face. While you are admiring their beauty, you might start wondering why they have certain physical attributes. For instance, you may be curious as to why dogs have whiskers.
According to Veterinary Centers of America, whiskers are not only super adorable but are also vital for your “dog [to] navigate his environment by providing additional sensory.” Essentially, these specialty hairs, as known as vibrissae, “transmit information to sensory cells when they detect objects or movement.” This is important as dogs do not have the best vision, especially at night. Non-domesticated dogs can use their whiskers to sense if a predator is nearby. On the other hand, pups, like my precious little one, will likely use her whiskers to make sure all her toys are on the bed so she can cuddle with them and get a good night's sleep.
Whiskers also help “protect” your dog’s eyes from dust or other irritants. Basically, with something like a “speck of dust” or “tall blade of grass” comes into contact with your dog’s whiskers, your pup will instinctively “shake his head” to prevent any potential injury from occurring. Our furry friends may also use the coarse hair to figure out if they will be able to get through a tight space. For these reasons, you should refrain from ever trimming your dog’s whiskers too short.