Review Of Superpower Dogs - Now Streaming On Hulu

Woof Republic is partial to dog movies, so a dog movie that features dogs doing extraordinary things is right up our alley. This movie that was created exclusively for the IMAX screen is now available in your living room streaming on Hulu.

The heroes of this movie are the pups: Halo, Henry, Ricochet, Reef and Tony & Tipper.  Each of these dogs have an absolutely incredible superpower that they harness to support humans many times saving the lives of humans where humans would be unable to help. Let me tell you about each of these pups:

Halo was adopted by Cat (not a joke, thats her name) who is training Halo to go through the rigors to eventually become an Urban Search and Rescue Dog. Urban Search and Rescue Dogs go into disaster zones and use their heightened senses to locate survivors that humans cannot detect.  She is selected as a young puppy and has to be trained to not be distracted by smells, food, or humans so that she can continue to do her job.  This story meets her as a puppy and we learn whether she passes the prestigious test (No spoilers here.) It is incredible to see the dog that she becomes as we meet Halo as a very young puppy.

Reef is a Newfoundland who lives an incredible life working with his handler Ferruccio on the Italian Riviera where they work in Water Rescue. Ferruccio is Commandante Ferruccio Pilenga, founder of the Scuela Italiana di Cani Salvataggio (Italian School of Water Rescue Dogs), and a huge advocate for the Newfoundland as a working water dog.  Newfoundlands are able to tow 40 times their own weight and have saved dozens of people. Reef also kissed me which created a win-win at the premiere!

Ricochet is a dog that Woof Republic has gotten to know through her incredible Surfing Talent but Ricochet’s SuperPower abilities dwarf her surfing skill and she’s a surfing champ. Ricochet’s work with Veterans and Special Needs children makes her truly a superhero. Her recent initiative is Waves of Empowerment program which pairs Veterans with PTSD and kids with special needs for a day. It is incredibly therapeutic for both.

Tony & Tipper are bloodhounds that are protecting endangered species as Endangered Species Protection.  They work at the LEWA Conservancy, Kenya, Africa. They are brothers who spend their lives protecting the residents of the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya, particularly endangered rhinos and threatened elephants. As trackers, they can take the scent of a poacher and track them for miles which saves the lives of rhinos and elephants. The community regards them as having magical due to their incredible superpowers but it is incredible that these talented pooches are very loving and enjoy a good snooze as much as ALL other dogs.

Henry the Avalanche Dog from Whistler is one lucky pooch. Chris Evans actually narrates his character in the film and this was a fun experience for Henry and his owner Ian. Both of them are a part of Canadian Avalanche Rescue Dog Association where they work to ensure that people are saved during an avalanche. Time is of the essence with work like this. Many times they are deployed by helicopter and seeing Henry and Ian’s work was one of the most visually striking parts of the film. The IMAX just made seeing their experience in the Fitzsimmons Mountains absolutely incredible.

Photo by Will Turner on Unsplash

This movie is beautiful, empowering and tells a story like I’ve never seen from a dog movie. SuperPower Dogs shows these pups doing their incredible work that saves lives and helps people within their community and it leaves you awestruck. Seeing it on an IMAX screen was so visually striking and causes you to become so personally invested in these dogs’ stories. I would recommend to everyone. It was designed to educate people of all ages and is great for kids.

A caution from me at Woof Republic, wear waterproof mascara when you see this film. Cara and I both regretted the decision to wear mascara as this movie was so emotionally moving and empowering.