Should Dogs Eat Tomatoes?

I am obsessed with tomatoes, which is super unfortunate. You see, I have Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS), meaning I get an unbearably itchy throat and mouth every time I eat a raw tomato. However, that does not stop me from enjoying the fruit, even though it should. 

Tomatoes may also be an iffy snack for my furry friend. According to the American Kennel Club, our canine companion should only consume the fruit “in small amounts,” as it contains solanine and tomatine. It is also extremely important that your dog does not ingest tomato stems or leaves. In addition, you should only feed your dog a tomato if it is ripe, as green tomatoes can pose a serious danger. 

While a bigger breed may be fine if they ingest a ripe piece of tomato, small dogs could experience a health issue known as tomatine poisoning upon eating even a small amount. Dogs with tomatine poisoning may experience changes in appetite, seizures, changes in their heartbeat, and stomach issues. Our furry friends may also have a tomato allergy, much like myself. If you believe your dog has adverse effects after eating a tomato, take them to the vet as soon as possible. 

The Vets also note that pet parents should not feed their dogs tomato-based products like pasta sauce due to “the other ingredients" such as salt, onions, or garlic.