How To Safely Prepare For A Road Trip With Your Dog During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, it feels as though summer has come and gone. For the most part, we are confined to our homes and can no longer responsibly do the activities that make the summer season feel so special. Going to the beach, swimming at the community pool, or hosting a backyard BBQ with your friends are now out of the question. You and your pooch may be resigned to spending the rest of summer on your couch, reminiscing about the days when you could freely enjoy the sunshine. 

That being said, you can still have adventures and make fantastic memories with your pooch by your side before the Fall comes. One way to do so is to take a road trip. Now, to adhere to new health and safety guidelines, the trip will be a little different, but will still be plenty of fun. 

So without further ado, here are tips on how to have a successful and safe road trip with your dog during the COVID pandemic. 

Get Fido A Health Check 

 Prior to heading out on the open road, take your dog in for a physical. This way your vet can make sure that your pup has a clean bill of health before your epic road trip. 

Bring Along A First Aid Kit For You & Your Dog

It’s always a good idea to have a first aid kit for you and your dog in your car at all times. It’s more cost-effective to gather materials yourself but if you’re like me and a little bit lazy, you’ll probably just want to end up buying pre-made kits. 

Have Your Pooch Sit In A Carrier 

My dog is a nervous wreck during road trips and desperately wants to hop in the driver’s lap. For this reason, she must be restrained while riding in the car. I know that many dogs exhibit similar behavior, which isn’t ideal as it can lead to car accidents. To prevent this from happening, have your dog stay in a travel carrier or crate, depending upon their size. 

Limit Your Restroom Stops

Now we know that this is easier said than done but the less you use public restrooms the better. When you do make a stop, be sure to wear a mask at all times and refrain from touching any surfaces. This goes without saying, but be sure to wash your hands thoroughly, especially before petting your dog. While only a handful of pets have been infected by the coronavirus, there does seem to be evidence that humans can transmit it to our furry friends

Bring Plenty Of Food & Water

Similarly, you’ll want to limit your trips to grocery stores or restaurants while heading to your destination. For this reason, be sure to pack plenty of water and food (and treats) from both yourself and your furry friend. 

Keep Your Dog On A Leash At All Times

To limit your dog's chance of interacting with others who may be COVID positive, keep him on a leash at all times. This is also a good rule of thumb in general if you are in an unfamiliar place, as your dog could just run off, leading to heartbreak. 

Have Your Dog’s Favorite Toys On Hand

There’s a good chance that your dog will get bored or restless during the drive. To ease her nerves and to give her entertainment, make sure to pack her favorite toys. I personally know that if I forgot to bring my dog’s stuffed elephant, named Timothy Olyphant, she’d never forgive me. 

Pack Camping Equipment 

Photo by Callum Hill on Unsplash

While some may prefer to rent an Airbnb or stay at a hotel, some may feel a little bit iffy about it due to the pandemic. If that’s the case for you, pack camping equipment and research dog-friendly sites on your route that are currently open. Just a warning though you’re dog will expect you to make a campfire so he can roast a few hot dogs and make some S’mores (without the chocolate, obviously.)