Can Dogs Have Avocados?

Like any self-respecting Millennial, I start my day by blasting some Taylor Swift, putting on my skinny jeans, and making myself some avocado toast. Even though my dog technically belongs to Gen Alpha, she shares my Millennial interests. She is a certified Swiftie and frankly, doesn’t understand all the hype about flared-legged jeans. She also craves avocados. 

Unfortunately for my dog, I don’t allow her to eat the delicious fruit. And I know what you’re saying – how can you deny your canine companion something that tasty? Do you even love your furry friend? 

And I’m here to set the record straight, dear reader, my dog doesn’t get avocados because of how much I adore her. You see, according to the American Kennel Club, our precious pups really shouldn’t consume avocados, as the fruit “contain[s] persin, a fungicidal toxin that can cause serious health problems.” Now, if your dog accidentally eats a small amount of avocado, there shouldn’t be an issue. However, when canines eat a substantial portion of the fruit, they can experience “vomiting, diarrhea, and myocardial damage.” If you notice that your dog is experiencing those symptoms, you should go to the vet right away. 

Weight gain and pancreatitis can also occur because avocados are high in fat. 

PetMD by Chewy reported your dog may be in serious trouble if they eat an avocado pit, as it “might cause a gastric or an intestinal blockage.” The publication also noted that your furry friend should not have guacamole, even though it is delicious. Not only does guacamole contain avocado, but it also usually has onion and garlic, which are toxic to our canine companions. 

If you are looking for a good alternative for an avocado to give your furry friend, you can give your pup plain canned pumpkin puree. Like avocado, it has a nice creamy texture. While pumpkin is usually a great snack for our precious pups, you should always consult your pet’s vet before introducing new foods into their diet. 

Thumbnail Photo Credit: Thought Catalog on Unsplash