6 Easy Ways to Keep Your Dog Healthy

As a pup parent, you want to make sure your furry friend is as happy and healthy as possible. However, you may feel overwhelmed as you attempt to ensure your precious pup receives the best care possible. Here at Woof Republic, we thought we’d make being a devoted dog owner a little easier by sharing simple ways to maintain your dog’s health. 

Here are six tips to help keep your pup healthy. 

Take Your Furry Friend to Their Annual Vet Appointment 

My dog believes the highest form of betrayal is taking her to the vet. However, it’s important that she gets checked out by a veterinarian at least once a year. 

In a 2016 video for Health Care For Pets, Dr. Clayton Greenway shared that during these annual visits, pup parents should inform their dog’s vet if they have noticed “anything unusual” about their pet, including irregular breathing, excessive thirst, excessive urination, or a difference of appetite. 

“You really want to take that opportunity for that visit to inform your vet as much as possible about what’s going on with your pet before they do a physical exam and start to recommend what to address,” said Dr. Greenway. 

Keep Up to Date on Their Vaccinations 

Vaccinations can protect your dog from numerous ailments like Lyme disease, rabies, and kennel cough. 

Brush Your Puppy's Teeth Daily

Thankfully my dog loves getting her teeth brushed. She thinks I’m unusually administering a delicious treat. But she’s thrilled nonetheless. 

It’s important to brush your dog’s teeth daily, even if they are not super stoked about it. First off, he’ll have amazing breath. And more importantly, his chance of having issues with his oral health that could lead to heart disease will significantly decrease. 

Refrain from Giving Fido Table Scraps 

Photo by Kabo on Unsplash

Making sure your pup is eating the proper diet is of the utmost importance. Now, I know it can be difficult to resist giving Fluffy some table scraps. However, giving in to her whims is not worth your best bud having health issues because of a poor diet. 

If you are not sure what exactly you should be feeding your precious pup, ask your vet for a recommendation. Be sure to share if you have noticed your dog has any food sensitivities. 

Take a Walk 

Given the choice, my furry friend and I would spend all our days on the couch watching movies, specifically the “Air Bud” franchise. However, I make it a point to take her on at least one 30-minute walk each day because your pooch must get enough exercise. Daily walks are beneficial for a myriad of reasons. For instance, your pup can get into tip-top shape, feel less stressed, and be less inclined to exhibit bad behavior. 

Get Your Dog Groomed Every Two Months 

Photo by Hayffield L on Unsplash

Like going to the vet, my dog despises getting groomed. I'll be honest, it is a major point of contention in our friendship. However, I know it’s for the best, so I take her to the groomer at least once every two months.

While filming a video on behalf of PetSmart, veterinarian Dr. Jon-Paul Carew explained that “regular grooming is important to keep dogs healthy because it keeps their skin and coat healthy and manageable, and prevents ingrown nails.”