Why Is My Dog Reverse Sneezing?

I am an anxious person by nature. This is especially true when it comes to my dog’s health, which is why whenever my dog reverse sneezes, I freak out a little. For those unfamiliar, when a dog reverse sneezes, it appears they are gasping for air and are having difficulty breathing. When I brought this behavior up to my dog’s vet, I was told that the condition, also referred to as paroxysmal respiration, was harmless. 

However, it got me wondering – what causes reverse sneezing?  

According to VCA Animal Hospitals, one singular cause for the condition has not yet been determined. However, your dog could be experiencing some throat or sinus irritation caused by nasal mites or allergens like pollen or grass. The Cornell Richard P. Rinery Canine Health Center reported that brachycephalic breeds with flatter faces, like bulldogs and pugs, often exhibit paroxysmal respiration.

So, what exactly can you do for reverse sneezing? Unfortunately, there is no cure for the condition. However, your vet may administer allergy medication to help with the issue. In addition, VCA Animal Hospitals recommends giving your dogs soothing pets on their throat and offering them water when they are reverse sneezing.    

The Cornell Richard P. Rinery Canine Health Center also suggests pup parents take their dog to the vet if the animal is continually reverse sneezing. There may be a chance that they are suffering from another, potentially more serious issue.