The USA Gymnastics Team's Therapy Dog, Beacon, Has a Positive Health Update After Major Scare

Beacon, the certified therapy dog who was a beacon of light for gymnasts competing in the Olympic trials the week of June 30 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, has not been in the best health as of late. 

His handler and owner, Tracey Callahan Molnar, let fans know that her furry friend had to seek out medical attention in a September 4 Instagram upload. According to the post’s caption, her furry friend had “fluid in his chest cavity “ and a “high fever.” Molnar also said that her Golden Retriever was being transported “to an emergency hospital with specialists who could diagnose and begin to treat him.” 

Thankfully, Molnar shared a positive update about her canine companion’s health. In a September 12 Instagram upload, she shared that her furry friend does not have any signs of cancer. In addition, she said he “has had a few pretty good days, relatively speaking.” 

In a September 20 Instagram post, Molnar said her furry friend had tested positive for histoplasmosis, which “is an infection caused by breathing in airborne spores of a fungus often found in bird and bat droppings.” 

“Beacon began an antifungal medication last week and after tolerating it well, an antibacterial medication was added. we are still awaiting results from testing for bacteria specific to places we’ve traveled,” continued Molnar. 

In addition, she said her dog’s “energy level is improving along with his appetite, his sweet demeanor (which never left but was dampened a bit) and his spunkiness.” 

“He’s not out of the woods yet but I feel we are heading in the right direction, as does his veterinary team,” wrote Molnar.