Jennifer Garner's Dog Birdie Adorably Participates in Viral Trend

Actress Jennifer Garner has been treating fans to videos of her adorable Golden Retriever, Birdie for years.

If you follow Garner on social media, you’ve likely seen clips of the actress reading children’s books to her very good girl in a delightful series called Books with Birdie.

Garner and Birdie will also occasionally participate in social media trends like “The Hands-in Challenge.”

In a June 4 Instagram video, Garner sat next to her 9-year-old pup who was lying on the ground. The actress and another individual touched hands. The dog then placed her paw on their hands without getting up.

“First time,” said Garner with a laugh.

“I had much less success with the puppy,” read the post’s caption.

Several fans flocked to the post’s comments section to share they enjoyed the video.

“God put animals here to cheer ppl up ....they more loyal then [sic] most humans,” wrote one commenter.

“🔥❤️ as many reasons why I love you and this is one of them,” added another.

“Birdie is an angel on earth. Thanks for sharing her,” shared a different person.

Birdie’s skills shouldn’t be a surprise to fans of the precious pup. In a February 2024 interview with WeRateDogs, Garner shared that her furry friend is a certified therapy dog.

“Birdie’s a therapy dog, and she just got a promotion to work at Children’s Hospital LA,” said Garner.

During the WeRateDogs interview, Garner also listed the reasons that she, like many, absolutely love[s] their canine companions.

“They love us. They are kind. They show us kindness and loyalty and a lack of judgement. And I think you love something in the act of caring for them. So I think because dogs need us to care for them, we form that bond in that way,” said Garner.