Can Dogs Have Soda?

If you’ve ever stepped inside my house you know that my dog is completely spoiled. She has approximately 40 toys, four beds, and a Tiffany collar. I’ve also decorated my rental with several framed pictures of her wearing one of her adorable dresses. 

However, I am pretty strict when it comes to giving my furry friend food not meant for our canine companions. 

This means while I have at least one Diet Coke a day, she’ll never know the taste of the sweet caffeinated nectar. 

According to the Pet Poison Helpline, our furry friends should not consume soda for several reasons. After all, the drink has plenty of ingredients, like sugar, artificial sweeteners, and caffeine, that can negatively impact our canine companions’ health.  

If your pup has consumed some soda, they may exhibit hyperactivity. In addition, your furry friend may vomit, have changes in their heart rate and blood pressure, and have seizures. 

Dogs who have managed to drink quite a bit of soda should be checked out by their veterinarian immediately.