Can Dogs Get The Omicron COVID Virus?

Unfortunately, we are almost two years into the coronavirus pandemic. As of late, many people are infected with Omicron. While it is believed that the symptoms are milder, especially if you are vaccinated, it can still be super scary to test positive for this COVID variant. After all, if you exhibit symptoms you should isolate to reduce the risk of infecting others, per CDC guidelines

So, does this mean those with Omicron should stay away from their canine companion? Is it even possible for a human to infect their furry friend with this COVID-19 variant? 

Here’s what we know. 

Dogs Can Be Infected by COVID-19

Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash

According to associate professors at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Dr. Sarah Hamer and Dr. Lori Teller, dogs can be infected by Omicron. 

“In our study here at Texas A&M University, we have sampled more than 580 household pets that all live where at least one person was infected with COVID-19, and we confirmed infections in about 100 animals. As far as we know, pet infections result from spillover from humans; infected people who share space with their pets can infect their pets, just as humans can infect other people,” explained Hamer. 

Now, before any pup parents get upset, it is unusual for humans to infect animals. In addition, if a dog were to get infected with any variant of COVID, it would be asymptomatic or exhibit mild symptoms. 

“Fortunately, our active surveillance is revealing that COVID infections in animals are generally not major concerns for the health of dogs and cats, as only about one-quarter of the infected animals were reported to have signs of disease by their owner, and in all cases, they were mild,” explained Hamer. 

Dr. Christine Klippen shared similar comments during a December 2021 interview with WUSA9

 “It is a disease of people primarily,” asserted the Certified Veterinary Journalist. 

She went on to say that she has “not to date seen a pet that [she] was concerned that it had COVID." 

You May Want To Isolate From Your Dog

While the CDC recommends that those infected with COVID should quarantine away from their pets, Dr. Teller explained she believed whether you should isolate is dependent upon a few factors.  

“Pets are a tremendous source of comfort, especially when we are sick, and we understand that you may want to share a brief snuggle with your pet. Talk to your veterinarian–if your pet is healthy and your veterinarian agrees, take appropriate precautions and enjoy a short time of togetherness,” shared the vet.

For more insights on how COVID impacts dogs, check out our interview with National Geographic expert Dr. Pol.