How To Prepare Your Household For The Arrival Of A New Puppy

Bringing home a puppy is super exciting but you do need to prepare accordingly. 10 years ago, my parents somewhat impulsively brought home not one, but two 3-month old puppies, and all we had for them was food and water. We also did not have a plan on how to train them. It was less than ideal. 

So that you don’t go through the same thing, here are some helpful tips on how to prepare your household for the arrival of a new pup. 

Have A Puppy Checklist 

Prior to picking up your pup, make a checklist of all the items that your pooch will need. Items to include are bowls, toys, bedding, and a crate. You can find a complete list of our recommendations here

Puppy Proof Your Home

This is a big one. There's a good chance that your little furry friend will love to get into everything and anything. To protect your belongings and most importantly your pup, we highly recommend getting a puppy gate. This way you can keep your pup safe in a confined space. 

You’ll also want to make sure your dog can’t get into your trash can. While your pooch probably thinks it’s a treasure trove full of tasty, tasty treats, it’s probably full of food that can be fatal to your furry friend. You might also just not want your dog snooping through your trash. After all, puppies are notoriously nosey. An easy solution is to purchase a dog-proof receptacle. 

Also, make sure that any electrical cords are put away to prevent the risk of injury.

Get Pet Insurance 

Speaking of injury, it’s always a wise decision to get pet insurance, especially when your dog is a puppy. While there will be an additional monthly cost of about $30- $90, it will end up being well worth it if your dog ever needs life-saving medical treatment. In this case, it’s better to be safe than sorry. 

Assign Tasks 

Photo by Kyle Mackie on Unsplash

Before you bring home your pooch, it may be a good idea to divvy up dog-related tasks. For instance, my partner is on morning potty duty and I’ve been delegated the night shift. He’s also the fur brusher in the house, while I have the honor of being the teeth brusher. 

By assigning tasks, everything will feel a little less chaotic when you bring your pup home. 

Sign Up For Training Classes 

Photo by sq lim on Unsplash

In my experience, puppies are naughty little things. I have had a difficult time training dogs, so I think attending an in-person obedience class is the way to go. This also a great way to get your dog socialized at a young age.